Vintages and Vogue | the blend of 'B for Busy' and 'sideways'

The films “B for Busy” (爱情神话) (2021) and “Sideways” (2004) share striking similarities that go beyond their surface narratives. Sideways (2004) and B for Busy [爱情神话] (2021) At their heart, both movies delve into the nuanced journey of relationships, weaving tales where characters meet, bond, fall in love, or drift apart. One man’s vacation can morph into another’s pivotal life journey or ending. As the stories unfold, some characters evolve, others remain unchanged but ready to move on, or, story put on holds, as friendships peaked as people continue their lives elsewhere....

August 23, 2024

Sideways (2024) | no spoiler ver.

Sideways is a movie about wine. “Two men reaching middle age with not much to show but disappointment, embark on a week-long road trip through Californiaʼs wine country, just as one is about to take a trip down the aisle.” source: Amazon The movie was a huge success on a petite budget. It was made on a $16 million budget but earned over $100 million at the box office worldwide. The movie has 5 nominations and won “best adapted screenplay” at the 77th Academy Award (2005)....

August 22, 2024