measuring information and uncertainty

buckle up for deep revelation

December 13, 2023

measuring information and uncertainty

Diving deeper.

December 12, 2023

measuring information and uncertainty

The paper by Alexander Frankel and Emir Kamenica, featured in the American Economic Review in 2019, is exceptionally remarkable. Their work, titled Quantifying Information and Uncertainty, delves into the intricate dynamics of information and belief systems. Reference: Quantifying Information and Uncertainty (2019) by Alexander Frankel and Emir Kamenica. Published in the American Economic Review, Volume 109, Issue 10, pages 3650–3680. DOI: 10.1257/aer.20181897. Suppose we observe some pieces of news. How might we quantify the amount of information contained in it?...

December 11, 2023

unwrapping rationality: the bias and lovings of gifts

A review of Waldfogel’s 1993 AER paper “The Deadweight Loss of Christmas”.

November 29, 2023

unwrapping joy - thoughful gift giving beyong monetary measures

the unexpected value in gift-giving, beyong deadweight loss

November 28, 2023

value maximizer's auto bidder

Aggarwal (2019)’s WINE paper proposed a LP-based framework for modelling autobidder for value maximizers. But it does not capture value maximizing bidders with budget and ROI constraints.

November 8, 2023

recent advance in ADIP

Regarding ADIP, a first-order method for solving LP, the following is an excerpt from Deng et al.’s arxiv page: The ADMM-based interior point method (ABIP, Lin et al. 2021) is a hybrid algorithm which effectively combines the iterior point method and the first-order method to achieve performance boost in large-scale linear programming. Different from the standard interior point method which relies on a costly Newton step, ABIP applies the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) to approximately solve the barrier penalized problem....

October 31, 2023