Summary for Drakopoulos et al (20'MS) | Persuading Customers to Buy Early: The Value of Personalized Information Provisioning

Here’s a summary of the paper Persuading Customers to Buy Early: The Value of Personalized Information Provisioning, by Kimon Drakopoulos, Shobhit Jai and Ramandeep Randhawa, published online @ Management Science, in 2021. The paper studies the persuasion and pricing problem for a seller with informational advantage about its inventory level. Model: a seller sells a single good over two period to unit-demand buyers, out of inventory $Q$. The inventory level might be low (type L) or high (type H)....

August 20, 2024

information design in OM

My advisor was somehow less enthusiastic in information design as compared to other general algorithm game theory topics–despite my several failed attempts to lure him into doing some related projects. But his major concern is solid, that information design demands overly strong assumptions–the existence of a common prior, commitment of the signal sender, inference ability of the signal receiver–all poses challenges for direct applications that justify the existing theory. The real world should be something in between the perfectly rational Bayesian persuasion and the noisy cheap talks....

April 20, 2024