course checker

The wild world of course registration heats up during the last round of selection, where occasionally seats are released due to dropouts and the remaining dash for the vacancy. But what if I told you there’s a clever way to outsmart the system? No more frantic refreshing, here’s nifty little program I concocted that plays the waiting game for you. It keeps an eagle eye on course availability and sends you an email the moment a spot opens up....

March 13, 2024


This is a trailor of SHERLOCK - my machine learning final project. I’ve really been obsessively perfecting my final course thesis (as we’ve talked about it before here). Though immensely energy and time consuming, they’re just for fun but I’m proud of them for their beauty. and the result is pretty nice as well. Abstract We introduce SHERLOCK, an innovative machine learning model designed to differentiate human-written code from AI-generated code in educational settings....

January 13, 2024

the code that can send email in linux server

I often encounter a recurring issue when running projects on a remote server and trying to collect data afterward. The setup in my usually includes a line for sending emails once the job is done. #!/bin/bash #BSUB -J StockTraderTestRun # Set the job name to StockTraderTestRun #BSUB -q gpu # Submit to the long queue #BSUB -o /nfsshare/home/tang/StockTrader/%J.out # Standard output file #BSUB -e /nfsshare/home/tang/StockTrader/%J.err # Standard error file #BSUB -N # Send email at job finish #BSUB -u ariana_tang@outlook....

November 5, 2023