There’s glitter on the floor after the party

Girls carrying their shoes down in the lobby

Candle wax and Polaroids on the hardwood floor

Don’t read the last page. This year’s WINE reached an end. I’ve learnt so much from the work presented and the people there. Btw, Jason’s keynote is amazing. Will write about it in the future.

Hao Li, Qun Hu, Ariana T. (Me), Jason Hartline and Nick Gravin, during tea break.

Hao Li, Qun Hu, Ariana T. (Me), Jason Hartline and Nick Gravin, during tea break.

And, here’s the reading list. All are my favorite talks over the past week.


Materials related to Optimization of Scoring Rules provided by Jason Hartline.

Papers listed in Contract Design: Approximation and Learning given by Inbal.


Penalties and Rewards for Fair Learning in Paired Kidney Exchange Programs, presented by Alison Caulfield.

Markov Persuasion Processes with Endogenous Agent Beliefs. Krishnamurthy Iyer, Haifeng Xu and You Zu

LLM and rationality, by a series of authors.

Sequential Recommendation and Pricing under the Mixed Cascade Model, lead by Zizhuo Wang.

The Limits of School Choice with Consent. Josue Ortega and Gabriel Ziegler

Auction Design for Bidders with Ex Post ROI Constraints, presented by Hongtao Lv.

and on and on… Hopefully I can finish 2-3 papers per week and got them job done before Chinese new year.