A recent interview, well more precisely, a report of Professor Wei Jiang’s talk about time management, when she visited SUFE early June.

Interestingly, the report is released by FDU.

Voices of Alumni | Professor Wei Jiang: Six Hours of Work a Day is Enough, the Key is to Focus Quickly

Fudan University School of Economics - June 13, 2024

This Q&A session is based on Professor Wei Jiang’s Q&A session on June 5 with young teachers and PhD students from the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics and DAFI’s questions to Professor Jiang.

The golden advice from a senior professor:

Time Management and Research Topics

Q: What are your tips on time management and selecting research topics?

Wei Jiang: It’s inexcusable for PhD students to struggle with time management. PhD work is your sole focus, unlike a corporate job where you’re passively working long hours. Effective time management should start during your PhD.

PhD students often work excessively due to guilt, pretending to work or working visibly for others. This needs to change. Work genuinely and efficiently for six hours a day, fully engaged. Eliminate warm-up time and get straight into productive work. Reward yourself after a productive day with leisure activities.

PhD students should also have two hours of social time weekly with “normal” people outside the academic circle. Interact with friends from different backgrounds to gain new perspectives and energy.

After becoming a professor, task-switching becomes crucial. You must manage teaching, reviewing, and administrative duties efficiently. Develop the ability to switch between tasks seamlessly.

In my experience, balancing work and family is about maintaining focus. Distractions from family tasks shouldn’t interfere with work. Manage your time well, and you’ll find time for everything without sacrificing quality in any area.

Manage Simple Tasks During Downtime and Save Prime Time for Deep Thinking

Q: You often mention “throwing punches” when critiquing papers. Is this related to your interest in sports? How do you balance work with outdoor activities and sports?

Wei Jiang: Time management is crucial. My dedicated work hours are short but highly focused. When multitasking, like driving my kids to soccer practice, I use that time to run. Combining activities efficiently helps me manage time better.

While doing household chores, I listen to audio versions of the Wall Street Journal, combining productivity with chores. Assign simpler tasks to downtime and reserve prime thinking time for complex issues.

Avoid last-minute work. Always plan with a buffer to handle unexpected events. Proper time management keeps you ahead and prevents burnout.