Ariana Grande (Part 1) | Podcrushed | Ep 71

In Part 1 of this two-part conversation with the extraordinarily prolific Ariana Grande, the crew has a wide ranging conversation on childhood, Ariana’s Broadway origins, and getting to act alongside her best friends. Ariana shares thoughtful reflections on her time at Nickelodeon and why therapy should be mandatory for all child actors.

Though mostly filled with casual chats and laughter, there’s an astoundingly beautiful intepretation of Saturn’s ring in the episode.

Saturn’s rings were formed from a giant frozen moon that crossed Saturn’s Roche limit, where the planet’s intense gravity tore the moon apart. This process, where the front of the object is pulled away from the back due to differential gravitational forces, led to the moon’s disintegration and the creation of the rings.

Just as Saturn’s moon was torn apart and reorganized into beautiful rings, our core values and beliefs may undergo a similar transformation. When life’s challenges break down our core beliefs, it can feel devastating. But from this breakdown comes a chance to rebuild. Our values, once shattered, can come together in a new, stronger form, surrounding us with newfound clarity and purpose. Just like Saturn’s rings, our growth emerges from the chaos, transforming our trials into something beautiful and meaningful.