Since I decided to start a blog, ariana’s blog has been updated daily, aggregating 177 blog posts and surpassing 70,000 words. It’s been a delightful journey.
Today marks the end of the Chinese New Year’s grand holiday. Reflections and dreams converge on my way back home, in the quiet of a midnight where the train slicing through the south, a canvas of shadows and whispers. The silent muse spoke whispers of a time to pause and reflect. It’s the perfect moment for a recap and to set new directions for the blog:
Rolling with the One-Day Rule:
Life’s unpredictable ride sometimes sweeps me past my writing desk without a word penned. There are nights when the urge to write wrestles me out of sleep, leading me to the soft glow of my computer screen.
To keep the spirit of daily sharing alive, here’s a simple trick: write today, share tomorrow. This way, if a day slips by without a new post, I’ve got a backup plan ready to roll out.
Tagging Along:
I’ve been pretty laid-back about tags, treating them like afterthoughts. But with the blog growing faster than a beanstalk, it’s time to get organized. From now on, every post will find its tribe with tags, making it easier for you (and me) to navigate our shared journey.
Gathering Threads:
The nature of daily musings means diving deep isn’t always possible in a single post. And let’s be honest, no one enjoys a treasure hunt for related thoughts scattered across the archives. So, I’m introducing a new tradition: weaving past posts into thematic tapestries, offering you the full picture in one cozy read. Or just to organize and comment on a tag. Reflections would be fun.
Echoes in the Blogosphere:
As the blog sails into its next chapter, it’s opening its doors wider. I’m looking to mingle minds with friends and fellow dreamers for guest features. And who knows? You might spot us on your favorite social platforms, weaving our stories into the wider web of shared human experience.
Here’s to the stories we’ve shared and the adventures that await💖. And happy a belated new year.

Chinese calligraphy written by my grandmother. I went back to visit her during the holiday. She is an inspire to me. Btw, I’m extremely good at copperplate, perhaps the sense for calligraphy runs in the blood.