I am the TA for a graduate-level market mechanism design course this term! The first class is tomorrow, and I’m so excited!

I know that for some graduate students, being a TA feels like a chore they have to complete to fulfill their responsibilities. Well for me it’s different. I recognize that this opportunity is precious for an undergraduate like me, and I am truly grateful for it. My advisor is incredibly supportive as he has always been, and the application process was relatively smooth.

What I desire is to challenge myself to become familiar with the theories of market design and practice writing proofs. I also aim to have the chance to collaborate with a professor and gain insights into their thought process. In return, I am committed to being as professional and dedicated as possible, doing everything in my power to make this experience successful. I am confident it will be.

Let’s do something crazy and extraordinary in the upcoming 10 weeks.


one of Ariana Grande’s inspire to me: she fell off the stage and almost died. then she got rid off the tangled belts on her, picked up her mic, walked back on the stage by the side stairs and continued the show.