Restless Multi-Armed Bandits | Primal, Dual and Opportunity Costs
December 22, 2024
The textbook Multi-armed Bandit Allocation Indices by John Gittins, Kevin Glazebrook, Richard Weber has a charming Chapter 6, titled “Restless bandits and Lagrangian relaxation”. But the authors skipped a step in the prove of how to go from the LP to Dual and to Whittle Index Policy.
An RMAB (Restless Multi-Armed Bandit) instance is defined through the tuple
\lang S, A, r_{i}, \mathcal P_{i} \rang_{i \in [N]}
where $S_i $ is the state space, $A_i = \lbrace 0, 1 \rbrace$ the action space, $r_{i}$ and $\mathcal P_{i}$ denote the reward and transition kernels arm $i$.
Given the budget constraints, the decision make seek the policy $\pi: S \mapsto A$ that maximizes long-term average reward subject to budget constraints:
If the budget constraint is “soft”—i.e. on average the actions don’t exceed a given budget:
\lim_{T\to \infty} \frac 1T\mathbb E_{a\sim \pi(\cdot)}[\sum_{t = 1}^T\sum_{i \in [N]} a_i^t]\le B.
Given an RMAB instance, we can solve the optimal soft-budget policy in the form of the following occupancy-measure LP:
\max_{\mu} \ & \sum_{i\in [N]} \sum_{s_i, a_i} \mu_i(s_i, a_i) r_i(s_i, a_i)\cr
s.t.\ & \sum_{s_i, a_i} P[s_i\to s_i’| a_i] \mu_i(s_i, a_i)= \sum_{a_i}\mu_i(s_i’, a_i), \forall s_i’, i\cr
& \sum_{a_i, s_i}\mu_i(s_i, a_i) = 1, \forall i\in [N]\cr
& \sum_i \sum_{s_i}\mu_i(s_i, 1)\le B\cr
& \mu_i(s_i, a_i) \ge 0, \forall i, s_i, a_i.
Let $V_i(s_i),\nu_i, \rho$ be the dual variables associated with the above three (groups) of constraints. The dual writes:
\min_{\nu_i, \rho}& \sum_{i\in [N]} \nu_i + \rho B\cr
\text{subject to:} & \cr
V_i(s_i) + \nu_i & \ge r_i(s_i, a_i) - \mathbb I\lbrace a_i = 1\rbrace \rho + \sum_{s_i’}V_i(s_i’)P[s_i\to s_i’\mid a_i],\forall i, s_i\cr
\rho & \ge 0.
Notice by complementary slackness, we have, for optimal dual solutions $\nu_i^\star, V_i^\star(\cdot)$, if a state $s_i$ is ever visited (i.e. $\mu_i(s_i, 0) + \mu_i(s_i, 1) > 0$), then, either
V_i(s_i) + \nu_i = r_i(s_i, 1) - \rho + \sum_{s_i’}V_i(s_i’)P[s_i\to s_i’\mid a_i=1],
V_i(s_i) + \nu_i = r_i(s_i, 0) + \sum_{s_i’}V_i(s_i’)P[s_i\to s_i’\mid a_i = 0].
Which can be written in compact form, but more intuitive:
I think the intuitive here is beautiful. If you formulate a constrained-resource-allocation-type problem directly as linear programming (or MIP-relaxed), its dual variables often resemble “shadow prices”, or, simply, opportunity costs (e.g. try knapsack). It’s similar here.
The textbook’s section 6.3 breezes past this with, ‘It is interesting to see how (6.6) can be obtained from (6.1)–(6.4)…’
Interesting? Absolutely. Obvious? Oh, totally—if you squint hard enough!