Of course, the general purpose of an academic presentation is multifaceted (see an older post about it), as discussed here. Nevertheless, I’ve once heard someone say that the key purpose of a talk at a conference is to make your audience interested in reading your work after the talk ends.

I attended the RAIN seminar yesterday at Y2E2, Stanford, where Nina Balcan presented one of her latest works. Personally, I have a general interest in research that involves complex human behaviors. But Nina Balcan’s talk was particularly captivating. So, I decided to read a bit of the paper, Online Learning in Stackelberg Security Games :

Regret Minimization in Stackelberg Games with Side Information

Keegan Harris, Zhiwei Steven Wu, Maria-Florina Balcan (2024) | paper’s arxiv link

the game

A Stackelberg Security Game is a structured competitive setting involving a defender and an attacker. The defender commits to a defensive strategy, and the attacker responds by choosing a target to attack. The outcome for both parties depends on their chosen actions and potentially some unknown world state.

There are $i = 1, 2, \ldots, n$ possible targets. The defender has one unit of defensive effort to allocate among these targets, represented by a strategy vector: $$ \mathbf p = [p_1, p_2, \ldots, p_n] $$ where $ \sum_i p_i = 1 $ and $ p_i \in [0, 1] $. At every time point, after the defender chooses $\mathbf p$, an attacker comes, knowing $\mathcal p$, chooses a target $ i^* $ that maximizes his utility: $$ \text{(attacker’s utility) } U^\text a = \max_{\mathbf y} \sum_{i\in [n]}y_i\left( p_iu^1_i + (1 - p_i)u^0_i\right)\ \text{later we’ll see, it’s type-dependent} $$ Here, $ u_i^1 $ and $ u_i^0 $ are the attacker’s utilities from attacking target $i$ when it is protected and unprotected, respectively. The attacker’s action vector $ \mathbf y \in {0, 1}^n $. The optimal attack response to the defender’s strategy $ \mathbf p $ is: $$ \mathbf y^:=\arg\max_{\mathbf y}\sum_{i\in [n]}y_i\left( p_iu^1_i + (1 - p_i)u^0_i\right) $$ Given the attacker’s best response $ \mathbf y^(\mathbf p) $, the defender’s utility is: $$ \text{(defender’s utility) } U^\text d (\mathbf p) = \sum_{i \in [n]} \left( y^_i (v^1_i p_i + v^0_i (1 - p_i)) + (1 - y^_i)(\bar v_i^1 p_i + \bar v_i (1 - p_i)) \right) $$ From my memory of the talk, the model is linear in both players’ strategies. However, the paper uses more general notations and definitions, but the results rely heavily on a polytope-linear partition of the defender’s action space, so the linear assumption should be quite general.


Taking the defender’s perspective in a dynamic setting, at each time point $ t = 1, 2, \ldots, T $, nature selects an attacker $ A_{k_t} $ from a set of $ K $ possible attackers, with different utility functions and attacking habits. The defender knows the utilities but not the upcoming attacker’s type before committing to a strategy $ \mathbf p^t $.

The regret is defined as: $$ \text{(regret) }R(T) = \tilde U^d(\mathbf {\tilde {p^t}})-\sum_{t = 1}^T U^d(\mathbf p^t) $$ where $ \tilde U^d $ is the optimal-in-hindsight benchmark.

No-regret benchmark:

The optimal-in-hindsight benchmark $\tilde U^d$ is defined for optimized strategy knowning the upcoming chosen sequence ${A_{k_1}, \ldots, A_{k_T}}$. But, the attacker’s action at each time point still changes given the defender’s strategy changes.

When the set of attackers is fixed and finite, no-regret learning (where $ R(T) = o(T) $) is achievable. The paper explores introducing context into this dynamic decision-making environment.

It’s late tonight. Stay tuned for tomorrow, where I’ll write more about the modeling approach and its implications.