College students are masters of procrastination. Of the Market Mechanism Design class that I’m TAing, the first homework is dued on Oct. 8 23:59. 20 out of 27 students submitted exactly on Oct. 8. Only one submitted before Octorber (Sept. 25). The homework though, is released three weeks prior the due. I know all students tend to procrastinate but not to this extent.

I’m curious though, what if we design an incentive mechansim that awards extra compensation scores for adequately early submission? Manipulating over (or getting backfired by) highly strategic yet irrational undergrads’ intertemporal choice will be super fun. And it’s also an Econ problem that results in inefficiency and welfare loss because for some work procrastination cause delay and conjestion.

We are on the way of mastering the art of time management, seriously. I once made fun of one of my co-worker that “submitting your assignments even 2 seconds in advance would be an insult to your outstanding talent of deadline management.” My roommates are able to get up at 7:45am and make themselves to the classroom at exactly 8:00am. And now I’m casually buying shits online though I’ll have an assignment due tmwr 10:05am but haven’t started it yet.

Cool. Gotta sleep. Things I never procrastinate on are meals and sleep schedule, really.

Oh why’d you have to be so cute?

It’s impossible to ignore you, ah.

Why must you make me laugh so much?

It’s bad enough we get along so well.

Just say goonight n go.

goodnight n go, Ariana Grande