I’m not a great fan of MBTI because (i) concerns over imaging - it’s certainly not wise to frame one’s personality into four letters and (ii) too many people are into it. But I’ve taken the test, quite a lot of times because it’s a conversation topic - people love talking about their traits and personalities. And I’m always like “nah I’ve never taken it” (because I don’t remember the result) and they will usually push me to do it.


analysts? nah they just all have OCD.

But every time the test result is different. And I can control it - especially the extrovert and introvert aspect. And there’s actually a lot of personality aspects that can be polarized over a polarized scale and adjusted - for example, masculine vs. feminine, egoistic vs. humble, quite vs. talkative etc.. I have a prior but it’s often the case that I adjust according to the social environment.

In fact, it’s even better if one can optimize and change his or her traits accordingly. In certain social context there’s often an optimal point along the axis. I’ll leave it here cause it’ll be pretty nasty to lay out the logic any further. But for an example, from time to time I dress a little bit more masculine (or more precisely, boy-ish) than my true self because it adds impression to professionalism.

This would gently blurs the borderline between authentic and pretentious. But it’s fun to see how different combination of personalities yields different position of oneself in a social scenario.