Music streaming giants like QQ Music, NetEase Cloud Music, and even Apple Music have started rolling out their “annual replay” promotions as the year draws to a close. These platforms leverage a straightforward yet engaging algorithm to craft a personalized “summary” of a user’s musical journey throughout the year. This digital keepsake reflects not just what songs were played, but hints at the emotional and cultural landscapes navigated by each listener.

These annual reports present more than mere statistics. They tell a story: “You’ve immersed yourself in 6,000 songs for over 700 hours, looped ‘XXX’ over 300 times, and crowned ‘YYY’ as your top artist.” It’s the transformation of mundane data into a visually appealing narrative that ignites a wave of sharing across social networks. Recently, my WeChat Moments feed has been awash with these musical year-in-reviews, predominantly shared by the young and trendy demographic.

What intrigues me is the phenomenon itself and the eagerness with which people share this intimate slice of their lives. Perhaps the music we love mirrors our deepest selves, offering a glimpse into our inner worlds. In an age where digital connections often outpace physical ones, these summaries might be a cry for recognition, a desire to be seen and understood.

Another aspect worth exploring is the strategic timing of these annual report releases by different platforms and the resultant sharing frenzy. In a market dominated by a few key players, timing is all you need. The question arises: when perhaps is the optimal moment for a platform to unveil its annual recap to maximize impact and engagement? Does the system has an Eq.?

Btw, my anthem for 2023 has been Ariana Grande’s “goodnight n go”.