Recap of week 2, and motivation for this week’s Part I:

In an economy of $n$ agents and $m$ indivisible items, if all agents’ value functions are Gross-Substitute, the economy has a Walrasian Equilibrium $(\vec S, \vec p)$. The Walrasian Tatônnement process can find the equilibrium efficiently. The allocation also maximizes social welfare.

But one subtle thing to notice about Walrasian Tatônnement is that it converges to an equilibrium. So here’s another way of solving it:

Part I: configuration LP

Interger programming formulation

The welfare problem can be casted as the following IP: $$ \begin{align} W_\text{IP}:=\max & \sum_{i = 1}^n \sum_{S\subseteq [m]}v_i(S)x_{i, S} \cr \text{s.t.} & \sum_{j\in S}\sum_{i}x_{i, S} = 1, \forall j\in [n]\cr & \sum_{S} x_{i, S} = 1, \forall i\in [m]\cr & x_{i, S}\in \lbrace0, 1\rbrace, \forall i\in [n], S\subset [m] \end{align} $$

LP relaxation and duality

Let $W_\text{LP}$ be the corresponding linear programming relaxation for the above problem: by taking $x_{i, S}\in [0, 1]$. It can be observed that (proving using the existence of W. Eq) that when all valuations are GS, $W_\text{LP} = W_\text{IP}$.

Theorem If $(v_1, \ldots, v_m)$ admit Walrasian Equilibrium, then the configuration LP has integrality gap $1$ (i.e. no gap).

The LP has $n2^m$ variables, but only $m + n$ constraints. Usually it’s easier to deal with LP with a lot of constraints but fewer variables. Therefore, take dual of the LP: $$ \begin{align} \text{(dual) }W_\text{LP} = & \min\sum_{i\in [n]} u_i + \sum_{j\in [m]}p_j\cr \text{s.t. } & u_i \ge v_i(S) - \sum_{j\in S}p_j, & \forall i\in [n], S\subseteq [m] \cr & p_j \ge 0, u_i \ge 0,& \forall i\in [n], j\in [m] & \end{align} $$

Ellipsoid method

The dual has $\mathcal O(2^m)$ constraints and $m + n$ variables. This dual LP can be efficiently solved by using Ellipsoid method, that, given a separation oracle that does the following job:

[Separation Oracle, w.r.t. an LP]

  • Input: a tentative solution $\vec x$
  • Output: either $\vec x$ is feasible, or a constraint is violeted by $\vec x$.

The very first poly-time algorithm for LP is the ellipsoid method! Basically, if, exists poly-time separation oracle, exists poly-time solution for the LP.

If we look at the constraint for the dual, fix any $i$: $$ u_i \ge v_i(S) - \sum_{j\in S}p_j, \forall S\subseteq[m] $$ this is essentially trying to find $u_i \ge \text{value of }D_i(S, p)$. Therefore, if we have a demand oracle w.r.t. every $i$, the LP can be solved in polynomial time.

Misc: other oracles: value oracle, demand oracle, general communication oracles.

demand oracle

The last piece of the puzzle to solved the dual -> relaxed LP -> configuration IP.

Theorem A valuation $v$ is in GS iff. $\forall \vec p\in \mathbb R_+^m$, $D(v, \vec p)$ is given by a greedy process.

So we do have a demand oracle for GS valuations, and the LP is poly-time solvable.

Part II: submodular valuation

Now we switch to another dimension of the problem: submodular function maxmization subject to matroid constraints.

greedy for one sub-modular value function

Consider the problem of finding the maximum allocation for a single agent with subodular valuation $v(\cdot)$ and a uniform matroid constraint $\mathcal I = \lbrace S: |S|\le k\rbrace$.


Initialize $S \leftarrow \emptyset$.

WHILE $|S| < k$:

​ $j^* = \arg \max_j v(j | S)$

​ $S \leftarrow S \cup \lbrace j^* \rbrace$.

Return $S$.

Theorem The greedy obtains $v(S) \ge (1 - \frac1e) \text{OPT}$.

Proof sketch.

Let $S_1, S_2, \ldots, S_k$ be the sets that is obtained in the steps of the greedy algorithm.

To begin with $$ v(S_1) \ge \frac1k \text{OPT} $$ by the submodular assumption. The above can be reorganized to be in the form of $$ \text{OPT} - v(S_1) \le \left(1 - \frac1k\right)\text{OPT}. $$ For $1 - \frac1e$, we want a way to stuff an exponential to obtain something like $\left(1 - \frac1k\right)^k$. So, it will be nice to have, something like, for each greedy step $i\ge1$ $$ \text{OPT} - S_{i + 1} \le \left(1 - \frac1k\right)\left(\text{OPT} - v(S_i)\right) $$ which is equivalent to $$ v(S_{i + 1}) - v(S_i) \ge \frac1k (\text{OPT} - v(S_i)). $$ Might as well denote the optimal as $\text{OPT} = v(S^\star)$. Observations:

  • $v(S^\star \cup S_i) \ge \text{OPT}$.

  • $v(S^\star | S_i) = v(S^\star \cup S_i) - v(S_i) \ge \text{OPT} - v(S_i)$.

  • At every greedy step $$ v(S^\star| S_i) \le \underbrace{\sum_{l_i\in S^*\setminus S_i} v(l_i|S_i\cup\lbrace l_k:k< i\rbrace)}_\text{adding in $l_i\in S^\star\setminus S_i$ one by one} $$

So, there exists some $l$ such that $v(l|S_i)\ge \frac1k (OPT- v(S_i))$. Aka $$ \text{(greedy) }v(S_{i + 1}) - v(S_i) \ge v(l| S_i) \ge \frac1k (\text{OPT} - v(S_i)). $$ And the proof is (almost) complete.

That’s all for this week. See you!