Wall Street Journal has its take on Google’s dicey cookie policy. Let’s wait for a while for the dust to fall:

Google Is Keeping Cookies in Chrome After All

By Patience Haggin and Suzanne Vranica

Original new article here.

In a major reversal, Google is ending a plan to eliminate cookies in its Chrome browser after four years of efforts, delays and disagreements with the advertising industry.

The decision to keep the pervasive tracking technology known as “cookies” in Chrome comes after a series of setbacks, as both digital-advertising companies and regulators objected to the plan and to Google’s proposed replacement technologies.

Privacy advocates hailed the move, but advertisers objected, saying that Google’s plan to replace cookies would force them to shift spending to the search giant’s digital-ad products.

I felt a bit sorry for Google. Whatever they do people are going to point fingers—when Cookies are permitted, people accused them of being a violation to privacy. When Google attempts to take down cookies, it’s concerns for Google’s market power. Either way it’s their fault.