The author of this blog has turned 21 years old and can legally drink alcohol from now on! Here are some memories of her brilliant 20th year of her life, as she wanted to share a bit the joy with u as well!

November 11, 2022. At my auntie’s, MinHang district, Shanghai.

Stayed two weeks in my auntie’s lovely house in MingHang. She cooks excellent crabs and fried pork. It was such a beautiful tranquilent period for a cure.

Stayed two weeks in my auntie’s lovely house in MingHang. She cooks excellent crabs and fried pork. It was such a beautiful tranquilent period for a cure.

December 18, 2022. Qatar.

needless to say, our G.O.A.T. has arrived.

needless to say, our G.O.A.T. has arrived.

January 20, 2023. West-lake Flower Fest, Guangzhou.

YueXiu Flower Fest before the spring festival. Namely, the biggest fair and my favourite festival event of my hometown.

YueXiu Flower Fest before the spring festival. Namely, the biggest fair and my favourite festival event of my hometown.

Feburary 13, 2023. At home, Guangzhou.

It’s outrageus that professor Dong Dong Ge left us winter holiday assignments for the linear-and-nonlinear-programming course. Come on! But since I have my cats with me when I’m coping with this shits, it’s fine.

It’s outrageus that professor Dong Dong Ge left us winter holiday assignments for the linear-and-nonlinear-programming course. Come on! But since I have my cats with me when I’m coping with this shits, it’s fine.

March 25, 2023. DaXue Lu, Shanghai.

Srping. Cherry blossoms all over the street. Spent a lot of time with my friends.

Srping. Cherry blossoms all over the street. Spent a lot of time with my friends.

April 12, 2023. Shanghai.

Went and watched the Titanic movie in the cinema with a boy. It’s a little pity that he turned out not to be my type. Still the movie was fantastic so it wasn’t entirely a waste of a lovely night.

Went and watched the Titanic movie in the cinema with a boy. It’s a little pity that he turned out not to be my type. Still the movie was fantastic so it wasn’t entirely a waste of a lovely night.

May 5, 2023. Butter & Bread, Jing’an, Shanghai.

May was a bit stressful. But hard works pay off.

May was a bit stressful. But hard works pay off.

June 11, 2023. Istabuhl.

Man City won their treble. And I was at the official Man City supporter’s club in Shanghai to witness this.

Man City won their treble. And I was at the official Man City supporter’s club in Shanghai to witness this.

July 3, 2023. Stanford, CA.

I emailed, visited and talked with Stephen Boyd! AWESOME

I emailed, visited and talked with Stephen Boyd! AWESOME

August 13, 2023. Big Sur, CA.

Went to Big Sur with my boyfriend. He drove, I was in charge of the music.

Went to Big Sur with my boyfriend. He drove, I was in charge of the music.

September 16, 2023. Shanghai.

Back to school. Started working in algorithmic game theory, 9 to 5, 5 to 9.

Back to school. Started working in algorithmic game theory, 9 to 5, 5 to 9.

October 16, 2023. SJTU, Shanghai.

Mid-autumn festival at my auntie’s.

Mid-autumn festival at my auntie’s.

November 9, 2023. Shanghai.

What a year. And I’m so grateful.

What a year. And I’m so grateful.