i’m like oh-my-god 🙄🙄 but i’m just gonna shake

I, totally, HAAAAATE, ads. Yeah, I kinda design the mechanisms too (I know, right? #GuiltyButWhatever). But those massively auctioned ones, you know, windows opening at the start of apps, those sponsored search links, and, like, those web banners pushing Springer Press books on me. They’re literally so annoying, oh my gosh right? And don’t even get me started on those, like, super intrusive video ads that just start playing out of nowhere. It’s totally the worst when you’re trying to be all chill and scroll through your daily market design juicy feeds, and suddenly there’s this loud ad blaring at you.

Ugh, not cool. It’s like, hello😅😅😅??? Do your cookies and preference estimates even know me? Plus, it feels so fake and pushy and stupid, like they’re totally overkilling, trying way too hard to sell me something I didn’t even ask for. Ugh, it’s just so frustrating, you know? Just kills the vibe.

Ewwwwww🚬. So, for tomorrow’s post, let’s traaaash those super annoying “shake-to-see” ads. Like, for every opening of an app why would I have to be redirected to some irrelevant pages every time you know, sometimes I didn’t even shake my phone. Stay tuned for those misaligned incentives and, like, seriously bad market designs. Catch you on the flip side, babes! 💅💅💅✨