resize image with HTML code

When working with images in blog, one might need to adjust image size to fit different layouts and screen sizes. Here’s the hack: (delete the space at after double {{) {{ <figure align="center" src="/path/pic_name.jpeg" caption="caption_text" width="50%">}} Or, by pixel size: {{ <figure align="center" src="/path/pic_name.jpeg" caption="caption_text" width="300px">}}

August 21, 2024

Summary for Drakopoulos et al (20'MS) | Persuading Customers to Buy Early: The Value of Personalized Information Provisioning

Here’s a summary of the paper Persuading Customers to Buy Early: The Value of Personalized Information Provisioning, by Kimon Drakopoulos, Shobhit Jai and Ramandeep Randhawa, published online @ Management Science, in 2021. The paper studies the persuasion and pricing problem for a seller with informational advantage about its inventory level. Model: a seller sells a single good over two period to unit-demand buyers, out of inventory $Q$. The inventory level might be low (type L) or high (type H)....

August 20, 2024

Horowitz's recitals

Apple music classical has a marvelous collection of Vladimir Horowitz’s piano recitals—all the years, all the remarkable concert halls and performance: Vladimir Horowitz: The Unreleased Live Recordings 1966-1983 This recording CD costs minimum of $250 on Amazon, but now it’s free and available in highest possible stereo quality on Apple Music Classical. Run, Rach lovers. Vladimir Horowitz: The Unreleased Live Recordings 1966-1983 is an extensive collection of 50 CDs, documenting Horowitz’s live performances across 17 years....

August 19, 2024

A Meeting of Titans – The Day Vladimir Horowitz and Sergei Rachmaninoff Arrived Together at Steinway Hall

Steinway-piano dot com has the story of the meeting of the two perhaps most influential musicians among the piano community of the first half of the 20th century. Horowitz: the rising of a star Vladimir Horowitz and Sergei Rachmaninoff had each suffered great losses in the Russian Revolution of 1917. “We lost absolutely everything,” Horowitz told author, radio personality, and Steinway Artist David Dubal, as reported in Dubal’s book, Reflections from the Keyboard....

August 18, 2024

Zen and Art of Piano | Horowitz

In Horowitz, fire sings through metal, glass, water and ice. The Carolina Philharmonic has the story “Zen and the Art of Piano | Vladimir Horowitz”, by David Michael Wolff. It’s about the artistic style of pianist Horowitz and his inspirational friendship with Rachmaninoff. The time was around the beginning of the 20th century—artists flee from the war and revolution in Russia to arrive in US: The young Horowitz had just landed off the boat in NYC and with all the sights the New World had to offer, his first stop was Rachmaninoff’s Manhattan apartment....

August 17, 2024

Andante Cantabile II

Andante Cantabile, generally means “singing and walking”, is a musical term—a descriptive marker atop a score to delineate the mood or tempo intended by the composer. It . This trend is particularly poignant in compositions of grand scale, where each movement, each phrase, carries its own distinct direction. Among the luminaries of the Andante Cantabile, Tchaikovsky’s String Quartet No. 1 in D Major resonates profoundly, a masterpiece that I’ve previously explored in an older post....

August 16, 2024

blood donation bonus points for scholarship credits

landscape A significant portion of blood donations in China comes from college students. In 2016, 14 million people donated blood, with donation rates per thousand population among civil servants, college students, army personnel, and medical staff notably higher than the national average of 10.5—reaching 69.2, 78, 55.8, and 52.5 respectively, according to Xinhua News. Do a little bit more math unveils how much college students account for blood donation: in 2016, total Chinese college student is 36990000, so total people who participated in donation is 2,885,220—so, about 20% of blood donation comes from college students....

August 15, 2024

the fish and the sea | from the movie SOUL

This is one of the scenes that resonates with my current phase and inspires me a lot. [Joe] (After the successful performace) So uh, what happens next? [Dorothea] We come back tomorrow night and do it all…[pause] What’s wrong, teacher? [Joe] It’s just i’ve been waiting on this day for my entire life. I thought I’d feel different. [Dorothea] I heard this story about a fish. The fish swims up to this older fish and says, “I’m trying to find this thing they call the ocean....

August 14, 2024

Running Costs: How a Fitness App Accidentally Outsourced Military Base Security

Strava, a fitness-tracking company, faced criticism after its global heatmap unintentionally exposed the locations of sensitive military bases worldwide. The heatmap aggregates and anonymizes public data from users who share their exercise routes, but in remote areas, this data can reveal concentrations of military personnel. Strave included a total 1 billion activities from all Strava data through September 2017. They claim to have a global heatmap that is the largest, richest, and most beautiful dataset of its kind....

August 13, 2024

Cookie Box | Content for the Cookie series

I’m excited to present the Cookie series—a collection of everything you need to know about internet Cookies. This Cookie series is a one-stop guide to understanding everything about internet cookies—what they are, how they work, and why they matter. Let’s open and see what’s inside the Cookie Box! technical basics What are Cookies Who collect data via Cookies, and how? Cookie syncing How data is used for ad targeting regulations The rule for cookies GDPR and CCPA: the major regulation landscape China’s stance Industry Trends and Reactions, staring from July 2024 market landscape The Value of Cookies AdTech Landscape Demand-Side Platforms Market size and market shares of Ad-Tech industry the key when buying ads — targeting Data brokers Google Gossip Surprising News: Google stopped decaprecating Cookies the Cookies Confusion and the Antitrust Avalanche extras supplementary materials...

August 12, 2024