dating w.r.t. opportunity cost

Some people are less happy than they could have been because they focus on opportunity cost rather than pure utility. Here’s a mathematic model to explain why.

September 5, 2023

what do i study?

I used to study and love biology. But things happen. It’s like ex-boyfriends. Love, broke your heart for a year or two, and thank u next.

September 4, 2023

from Guangzhou to Shanghai… once again

This semester I will be more focused on computational economic and mechanism design.

September 3, 2023

on data visualization

Matplotlib or any other tools are never superior to one another. But logic and ideas are, and they matter.

September 2, 2023

they LOVE the friction

The fine art market is definitely not a “free” market according to the classical microeconomic definition. It’s a market of friction. And people (billionaires) love that.

September 1, 2023

The Confession of a Procrastinator

I promise not to procrastinate and to provide a comprehensive review and perspective on this paper and its subsequent works in the near future—let’s say, within one week.

August 31, 2023

New Music of Ariana Grande: Tattooed Heart (Live from London)

The aesthetic is awesome and clever as Ariana Grande always was. The vocal is… acceptable but not as good as her Sweetener era.

August 30, 2023

Google Ad Gossip

On June 27, the Wall Street Journel updated an exclusive online news post titled ‘Google Violated Its Standards in Ad Deals, Research Finds’, based on a 127-page research report published by Analytics. The potential conflict involves renown names such as TikTok, J&J. The impact of the research is huuuuge, according to Wall Street Journel ‘Some ad buyers who have reviewed the research say they want their money back’.

August 29, 2023
matrix pic

the pilot-class program market

It’s a too quick an unravel market with four programs having exams on the exact same time, followed by exploding offers. But this is how I got in - Mi familia académica!

August 28, 2023

anecdotal facts about the high school admission in Guangzhou

The Boston-flavored high school admission mechanism in Guangzhou has been running for decades, and I’m so happy to see that it’s evolving and my friend got admitted into his dream school because of the improvement.

August 27, 2023