retail therapy

The beauty of retail therapy is its irrationality. And I doubt any economists would dare to use real, enthusiastic shoppers as subjects.

September 15, 2023

with all due respect to those economists

Too often, economists take their non-trivial math for granted. Not their fault though…

September 14, 2023

optimizing personalities over a scale

One can optimize and change his or her traits accordingly. And, in certain social context there’s often an optimal point along the axis.

September 13, 2023
dinner party

network in the medical community

"You go talk to your friends talk to my friends talk to me" - but the doctor’s version

September 12, 2023

just like magic

So I took a Sunday afternoon, sat down at Peet’s Coffee and got the job done… It’s a heuristic, and heuristics are meant to be developed in a magical afternoon.

September 11, 2023


a small poem and old memories…of possibilities

September 10, 2023

hacking the system...

nudge college students to sleep by using money reward? there’s a possibility that they might hack the system.

September 9, 2023

The Pep Effect

The profound evolution of football tactics, from traditional direct play to the modern possession style, and how Pep Guardiola’s influence reshaped the game as we know it.

September 8, 2023

embracing the TA journey of a market mechanism design course with dedication

I am TA-ing a graduate level market mechanism design course this term, with my best professionalism and passion.

September 7, 2023

(one of) the most impatient crowd in the world

Undergrads in an Econ lab - I can confidently assert that we are always thinking about something else during these experiments.

September 6, 2023