priming effect

Not everything can be pigeonholed into the polarized spectrum of demand, supply, and utility. Thinking about these phenomenons, like priming effect, is fun. But do I accept them? Well in terms of research, I gotta be honest, a more rigorous economic perspective is more preferable.

September 25, 2023

stuck on a greedy algorithm

Him saying, “Whose paper is it? Let me see… Hmm, well, it’s very unlikely that it’s him who is making a mistake Ariana…”

September 24, 2023

a little less conversations and a little more: ...?

I have some memories of enlightening conversations with people. Here’s one, and there’ll be more of them in the future.

September 23, 2023

assortative mating? hmm

the definition of assortative matching is tricky. here’s a better one.

September 22, 2023

break up with your girlfriend, i'm bored

about stable matching

September 21, 2023

on kidney transplant - personal pov

It is my belief that, for anyone working in or around the healthcare industry, we possess a sense of inherent humanity within us. To cure sometimes, to relieve often, to comfort always.

September 20, 2023

does environment/facility matters?

The NFLPA’s “Player Team Report Cards” went all out and put those unabashed scores of clubs front and center on their homepage. Impressive.

September 19, 2023

a little comment on a podcast about football jersey

Jerseys serve as explicit bonds between fans and their clubs, symbolizing both the team and its players. From a business perspective, they are products shaped by the team’s image and the strategic maneuvers of their advertising team in collaboration with sponsors and in competition with other teams.

September 18, 2023

graduate school admission

The school admissions talk continues! This time, (rarely but yeah) some complement to my home university.

September 17, 2023

two talks about information design

The crux of information design emerges from the interplay between conflicting interests and information asymmetry. It’s reminiscent of Braess’s paradox.

September 16, 2023