Shanghai's fake-out: tea houses in disguise

The so-called Tea Houses in Shanghai are such a disgrace. Now, I’m spending more on mediocre food and have no better alternatives in sight. This is how the market fails. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.

October 15, 2023

Mariah Carey's song Hero

I’m currently quite hooked on Mariah Carey these days. For those not familiar with her, she’s the voice behind “All I Want for Christmas Is You.” Mariah skyrocketed to fame in the early ’90s with her self-titled debut album, and her early career was defined by her extraordinary vocal prowess. Her runs, riffs, and live performances during that era set a standard that remains untouched, making it an almost impossible feat for young singers to surpass....

October 14, 2023

poker insights

It turned out to be a delightful evening, a more meaningful and intellectually stimulating social experience compared to spending time with those unappreciative individuals over a dinner filled with superficial conversations.

October 13, 2023

female players in orchestra audition

I caught some intriguing facts during this morning’s breakfast broadcast, where they featured an episode with Claudia Goldin. One of the topics they covered was related to Goldin’s 2000 research paper, “Orchestrating Impartiality: The Impact of ‘Blind’ Auditions on Female Musicians.” Abstract A change in the audition procedures of symphony orchestras–adoption of “blind” auditions with a “screen” to conceal the candidate’s identity from the jury–provides a test for sex-biased hiring. Using data from actual auditions, in an individual fixed-effects framework, we find that the screen increases the probability a woman will be advanced and hired....

October 12, 2023

piecing together the Ariana Grande puzzle

I’ve always been trying to understand Ariana Grande, her music, lyrics, and interviews. Seeking a piece of her philosophy. Yet her artistic choices baffle with inconsistency, lacking a clear cohesive logic. She intentionally obscures, distorts motif, and leaves gaps. I’ve immersed myself in her interviews and music, even the unreleased demos, piecing together her puzzle. Tonight, a new fragment from The Weeknd’s single “Escape from LA” from album After Hours adds to it....

October 11, 2023

train timetabling problem

just for fun but it turns out to be more than fun. i attended an introductory talk on train scheduling in the neighboring department. Here are some key takeaways

October 10, 2023

the 2023 Econ Nobel, Barbie, and Lisa

About the 2023 Econ Nobel, how it relates with Barbie, and the controversy about Lisa’s recent dance performance.

October 9, 2023

so what?

I won’t take the bait, but it sucks when ¥8000 slips out of your hands nevertheless. Here’s the story.

October 8, 2023

the black swan

I watched Swan Lake tonight – the famous Tchaikovsky ballet, performed by the National Ballet of China. The performance lasted two and a half hours, a bit lengthy, especially with there are kids sitting nearby: left side of me, right side of me, behind me… Regarding my personal preference, I favor the Black Swan significantly more than the White Swan. The Black Swan embodies life and vitality, with her charming smile lighting up the stage, captivating the audience (including the prince), and infusing the performance with energy....

October 7, 2023

with all due respect to those economists - episode 2

Welcome back to the carnival of economic theories! Episode 2: The Diamond Paradox. I love the paper. Diamond’s model revolves around a discrete-time market, denoted as $t\in [T]$, featuring multiple consumers and firms. Consumer Behavior Each consumer possesses a downward-sloping demand function $x(p)$, it decreases as price ($p$) increases. In this market, consumers have a strategic buying plan: they purchase a product in period $t$ if and only if the price is less than or equal to their predetermined cutoff price, $q$....

October 6, 2023