buy now or put in cart? can it be related to consumer search theory

I’ve been reading up on keyword query ranking optimization literature recently. In this context, we’re looking at e-commerce platforms like Amazon or Taobao, where multiple third-party sellers offer similar products when a user searches for a specific keyword. The platform’s goal is to maximize both the seller’s profit (a combination of surplus and revenue, calculated as price multiplied by quantity) and consumer satisfaction. So, the main questions here are: How should products be ranked?...

October 25, 2023

the spectrum of failure

The Freakonomics podcast delivered some inspiring insights today, focusing on a spectrum of failure assessment, from the most blameworthy to the most commendable. Failure, in this context, is defined as a preventable negative event. Amy Edmondson, a guest on the podcast, categorized the causes of failure into six distinct categories: Sabotage Inattention Inability Task challenge Uncertainty Experimentation While these categories are distinct, most failure events likely result from a combination of several causes....

October 24, 2023

a lovely night

Shanghai and LA share a common thread, their shared essence of being overwhelming kaleidoscopes of glamour. It’s as if both cities, like a scene from the classical spectacle of LA LA Land, break into song and dance, creating a harmonious yet complex symphony of life. the lyric of ‘A Lovely Night’ soundtrack of LA LA LAND. What a waste of lovely night… life’s too short, not a single nights should be wasted....

October 23, 2023

Didi ride hailing platform

The platform economy is indeed a formidable force, and this assertion is not without merit. Yesterday, after watching a routine Premier League match featuring Manchester City, I experienced a striking example of the platform economy’s impact. Around 00:05, when all public transportation had stopped running, I had no option but to order a Didi taxi, a service similar to Uber, to return to my dormitory. To my surprise, a driver quickly accepted my request, indicating that the demand was relatively low....

October 22, 2023

EconCS lab opening

EconCS lab opening As yesterday’s blog mentioned the opening premiere, here’s the fresh recap. The first section features ceremonial talks, and the second is a more lively discussion of mechanism design, economics, and artificial intelligence. Section 1: Ceremonial Talks The first section of the event was filled with what we can affectionately describe as “ceremonial talks.” These talks are often marked by grand visions and mutual compliments, leaving the audience yearning for more substance....

October 21, 2023

event, talks and free coffee!

OMG, it’s finally Friday! Tomorrow marks the launch premiere of a new Econ-CS lab, and we have some exciting talks lined up: Jianwei Huang from CHUK-SZ, Xiaolei Wu from FDU, and Jirong Wen from Renming University will be giving three engaging presentations. I initially planned to attend a coffee festival in the morning, but given that they’re offering complimentary coffee and snacks during the tea break, and with many of my friends, my advisor, and the entire ITCS community attending, it seems like a great idea....

October 20, 2023

from copycats to kings - when shits take over

I got tired of reading papers after papers so today I went on all the profiles of the authors of the read papers so as to find something interesting. While browsing Professor Negin Golrezaei’s profile, I stumbled upon a series of captivating reports delving into the fierce competition that Amazon shops face. Two of the most fascinating ones are from BuzzFeed News: “Some Amazon Sellers Paying $10,000 Monthly to Game the Rankings” (Read Here) “Inside Amazon’s Fake Review Economy” (Read Here) It’s really sad but also hilarious....

October 19, 2023


Recently I’ve been really obsessed with the song MONOPOLY by Ariana Grande and Victoria Monét Treat like goals like property, collect them like monopoly. It barely has nothing to do with “monopoly” but also has everything to do with monopoly. The song is just as playful as several other Ariana’s “insignificant” singles: Work so fuckin’ much, need a twinny, twin, twin (Yeah) You’d be straight for life if I gave you my PIN (Yeah)...

October 18, 2023


Of the Market Mechanism Design class that I’m TAing, the first homework is dued on Oct. 8 23:59. 20 out of 27 students submitted exactly on Oct. 8. I’m curious though, what if we design an incentive mechansim that awards extra compensation scores for adequately early submission?

October 17, 2023

decoding Shanghai's Guangdong restaurants - episode 2

On with the discussion about the Guangdong/HK Tea Houses in Shanghai, with a focus on honest critique and analysis. Firstly, the landscape is fiercely competitive. However, the competition does not translate into commensurate quality but rather inflated prices. This does not align with the typical characteristics of Bertrand competition. A cursory search on Meituan for “Tea Houses” within a 3-kilometer radius yields approximately 30 results, all claiming to offer authentic Guangdong or Hong Kong flavors....

October 16, 2023