In the thrilling contest of high-frequency trading, my squad is called ‘MONOPOLY’ inspired by Ariana Grande’s hit single of the same name. The song is about “friendship, freedom, protecting your energy and staying right in your bag. We’re all about that life in the lab — working hard and spilling the tea on all things academic. I spent the whole day diving into developing a DRL algorithm for our HFT contest — it’s both a blast and a bit of a time sink, considering opportunity cost....

November 4, 2023

when my world shakes

There are peaks, there are valleys, and sometimes you’re just stuck at the bus stop a bit longer.

November 3, 2023

best birthday present so far!

I knew, and was heavily influenced by a fascinating AER paper by Joel Waldfogel from 1993, aptly titled “The Deadweight Loss of Christmas.” Economists often praise holiday spending for its positive macroeconomic effects. However, gift-giving’s critical microeconomic facet lies in the recipient making different choices than the giver. Essentially, gifts risk being mismatched with recipients’ preferences, potentially causing a deadweight loss. Waldfogel’s paper, deriving data from Yale undergraduates’ surveys, estimates holiday gift-giving destroys 10% to 33% of gifts’ value....

November 2, 2023


People straddling the realms of economics and computer science have a fascinating way of thinking. I used to believe I was the sole individual who viewed my surroundings through a “math” filter. However, it appears that everyone in this field has their unique quirks. Take, for instance, one of the professors I work with. He genuinely “calculates” his academic networking social distance. Our recent discussion about a paper left him in awe of the mathematical techniques employed, and here’s the conversation:...

November 1, 2023

recent advance in ADIP

Regarding ADIP, a first-order method for solving LP, the following is an excerpt from Deng et al.’s arxiv page: The ADMM-based interior point method (ABIP, Lin et al. 2021) is a hybrid algorithm which effectively combines the iterior point method and the first-order method to achieve performance boost in large-scale linear programming. Different from the standard interior point method which relies on a costly Newton step, ABIP applies the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) to approximately solve the barrier penalized problem....

October 31, 2023

PDLP and ADMM on LP"

Everyone is familiar with linear programming (LP) and its possibly NP-hard simplex algorithm. Additionally, there are interior-point methods and more. Recent advancements in the field are aimed at handling large-scale LP problems that necessitate parallel processing. One approach is the PDHG (Primal Dual Hybrid Gradient) method, a first-order optimization method for large-scale LP. Another intriguing method is the second-order ADMM. While the PDHG method is straightforward in its core concept, it employs numerous heuristic techniques, some of which have solid theoretical foundations, to expedite the optimization process....

October 30, 2023


Shanghai ranks among China’s top international cities, alongside Hong Kong. Being an undergrad student in Shanghai, my friend and I represent a significant chunk of the city’s active consumer base, i.e. we contribute substantially to its vibrant atmosphere and GDP. Shanghai residents genuinely embrace international cultures, with a strong preference for North American influences. European styles, particularly those from Italy and France, also enjoy popularity. Some venture into Mexican or Latino influences, while others delve into East Asian elements like Zen culture from Japan or Korean pop culture....

October 29, 2023

(try to) succeed at failing

Today’s blog draws inspiration from Freakonomics Radio’s podcast, which presented a three-episode series on “How to Succeed at Failing.” It’s not the most pleasant topic to discuss. In their final episode, they did something quite bold, or at least it seemed daring to me. They interviewed several individuals who had experienced failure in entrepreneurship, academia, and relationships. We often mourn, blame, and regret our own failures, but what perspective should we have when it comes to others’ failures?...

October 28, 2023

yes, prime minister

Our former Prime Minister, Keqiang Li, has passed away in Shanghai today. Rest in peace. Li, an economist, earned his Ph.D. from Peking University and received the Sun Ye Fang Best Thesis Award for his dissertation – quite an achievement. In memory of this exceptional economist and remarkable individual, here’s a poignant tribute: 纯真而不欠闻达,善良而不失坚强,把生命高举在尘俗之上,又溶化于社会之中,这应当是我们这一代的共同追求。 Innocent yet not lacking in knowledge, kind yet unwavering in strength, lifting life above the mundane while melding with society – this should be the collective pursuit of our generation....

October 27, 2023

an interesting quote

I watched and found a very interesting quote on…YouTube. Guess who said it. Trying to stop people from doing things that they want to do, doesn’t always stop them. Sounds like something Hermione Granger said The best way to get people to read something is to ban it Try reading the italicized words in staccato and you’ll get the authentic Hermione accent. OK… just kidding. Al Roth said it in his “big idea” talk on YouTube....

October 26, 2023