book review by Siddharth Kannan | Subprime Attention Crisis

Here’s Siddharth Kannan’s review on Subprime Attention Crisis by Tim Hwang. He reorganized and summarized key facts and arguments. It almost covers all points of the book and would be a nice substitute if one doesn’t want to read through the book. Here’s the keypoints of the review (in quotes): intro What would happen if all the free services that you use on the Internet, which are powered by advertisements, stop being free one day?...

August 31, 2024

Music Review | Short N' Sweet

Though I found myself reluctant to admit my attachment to mainstream pop, my favourite album over the summer of 2024 would have to be Short N’ Sweet—given the unhealthy playing repeats of a few of its singles. Here are two reviews explaining why it might just be the biggest hit of 2024: Vinyl cover of Short N’ Sweet. Original full-size picture available here—I mean, look at this remarkable visual presentation of the album’s aesthetic concept: the nostalgic pastel setup, the vivavious blush and hair, and the goofy face....

August 30, 2024

counting papers

I wrote 37 paper blogs—write-ups of papers I’ve read over the last year. The total quantity of thoroughly read papers is approximately double this number. as for the downloaded ones—i don’t even dare to count.

August 29, 2024

Summary | Paul Milgrom (2019) Auction Market Design Recent Innovations

The journey begins with Google’s sponsored search business. When Google developed the PageRank algorithm, it not only ranked results but also recommended the most relevant ones to users. Simultaneously, it charged advertisers to display their ‘sponsored’ results atop those organic outcomes. This business model, which underpins our ‘free’ internet today, grew from nonexistence in 2000 to becoming the biggest and possibly most influential business globally, amassing over 600 billion USD in volume worldwide....

August 28, 2024

PuLP with Gurobi on the side

Using Gurobi and PuLP for LP: import pulp Retrieves a solver interface for Gurobi using PuLP. It allows one to use Gurobi as the solver when defining optimization problems in PuLP: solver = pulp.getSolver('GUROBI') Silence pulp solving console output: pulp.LpSolverDefault.msg = 0 Setup the model with variables, objectives and constraints # Initialize the LP model K = 3 B = 4 model = pulp.LpProblem("model_name", pulp.LpMaximize) z = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("z", range(K), lowBound=0) # Objective function model += pulp....

August 27, 2024

One Year of Blogging

A Journey Through Ideas, Insights, and the Occasional Podcast-Induced Breakfast Yawn.

August 26, 2024

the table act of B for Busy (2021)

This is my favourite act in “B for Busy”. From 34’ to 46'. Three ladies gathered around Mr.B’s dinner table for a delightful and demure conversation. It starts from a beautiful shots of the making of clasical homemade Shanghai cuisine, then right to the dinner table, seats Mr. B’s ex-wife and lovers of an exhilariting conversation that fully showcase the excellency of screenwriting and mastery acting. And here’s the very original source of the viral debate about...

August 25, 2024

HTML | basic concept

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) code is the foundational language for creating and structuring content on the web. It defines and presents elements, like headings, paragraphs, images, etc. When one enters a URL or open an HTML file in a web browser, the browser processes the HTML code, applies CSS for styling, and executes any JavaScript. This results in a visual representation of the web page that one can see and interact with....

August 24, 2024

Vintages and Vogue | the blend of 'B for Busy' and 'sideways'

The films “B for Busy” (爱情神话) (2021) and “Sideways” (2004) share striking similarities that go beyond their surface narratives. Sideways (2004) and B for Busy [爱情神话] (2021) At their heart, both movies delve into the nuanced journey of relationships, weaving tales where characters meet, bond, fall in love, or drift apart. One man’s vacation can morph into another’s pivotal life journey or ending. As the stories unfold, some characters evolve, others remain unchanged but ready to move on, or, story put on holds, as friendships peaked as people continue their lives elsewhere....

August 23, 2024

Sideways (2024) | no spoiler ver.

Sideways is a movie about wine. “Two men reaching middle age with not much to show but disappointment, embark on a week-long road trip through Californiaʼs wine country, just as one is about to take a trip down the aisle.” source: Amazon The movie was a huge success on a petite budget. It was made on a $16 million budget but earned over $100 million at the box office worldwide. The movie has 5 nominations and won “best adapted screenplay” at the 77th Academy Award (2005)....

August 22, 2024