OM in sharing economics

Here’s a recap of yesterday’s keynote tutorial given by prof. Saif Benjaafar, based on his MSOM review paper Operations Management in the Age of the Sharing Economy: What Is Old and What Is New?. The paper described three “canonical” applications that have garnered much attention from the operations management community, and used these applications to highlight distinguishing features of sharing economy business models and to point out research questions that are new....

December 3, 2023

ISCOM day1

Our paper got second place in the data competition. Coolness.

December 2, 2023


So it’s an art picking out talks to attend out of all the parellel tracks - after all, why can’t the organizer just pick out a smaller amount of paper and make everyone’s life easier?

December 1, 2023

GRWM for a week of discovery

As I prepare on an enlightening journey to the National Conference on Supply Chain and Operation Management (ISCOM 2023) and the Conference on Web and Internet Economics (WINE 2023) in Shanghai, I can’t help but feel a buzz of excitement. These conferences are not just events but gateways to new ideas, connections, and insights, and they’re conveniently located for my easy commute anyway. The Art of Conference Attendance: More Than Just Talks ISCOM, for me, is the appetizer in this intellectual feast, a chance to warm up and socialize with like-minded professionals....

November 30, 2023

unwrapping rationality: the bias and lovings of gifts

A review of Waldfogel’s 1993 AER paper “The Deadweight Loss of Christmas”.

November 29, 2023

unwrapping joy - thoughful gift giving beyong monetary measures

the unexpected value in gift-giving, beyong deadweight loss

November 28, 2023

the other side of hyperbolic discounting

In the bias and wisdom in decision making course that I’ve taken this semester, we featured the topic intertemperal choice today. It’s pretty cliché a topic that, well, usually everything starts with this function: $$ U(\mathbf x) = u(x_0) + \beta\sum_{t = 1}^\infty\sigma^t u(x_t). $$ But something interesting came up today. It’s called the growth curve. Consider choosing from various ways of growing over time - some trajectory is log-like while others can be exponential-like....

November 27, 2023

unseen melodies

Music is not just sound; it’s a tapestry woven from varied chords, voices, and instruments. In a pop melody like some Mariah Carey ballad, the lead vocal takes center stage, supported by complex add libs and rhythmic undercurrents. Not to mention classical pieces which are an intricate dance of harmonies, each note a thread in a larger musical fabric. Yet, even the finest audio technology falls short in unraveling these layers completely, and as audience distinguishing every element remains a challenge....

November 26, 2023

C'mon City!

In modern days, facial expression control in front of camera should be considered just as important as public speaking…

November 25, 2023

the sweet and sour of apples and cranberries

In the dance of supply and demand, every fruit tells a story. And when a design of a market fail, it shouldn’t be the strategic agent to take all the blame, isn’t it?

November 24, 2023