measuring information and uncertainty

buckle up for deep revelation

December 13, 2023

measuring information and uncertainty

Diving deeper.

December 12, 2023

measuring information and uncertainty

The paper by Alexander Frankel and Emir Kamenica, featured in the American Economic Review in 2019, is exceptionally remarkable. Their work, titled Quantifying Information and Uncertainty, delves into the intricate dynamics of information and belief systems. Reference: Quantifying Information and Uncertainty (2019) by Alexander Frankel and Emir Kamenica. Published in the American Economic Review, Volume 109, Issue 10, pages 3650–3680. DOI: 10.1257/aer.20181897. Suppose we observe some pieces of news. How might we quantify the amount of information contained in it?...

December 11, 2023

how a wine-inspired moment uncorked a market-changing Idea

teaser of the result

December 10, 2023


pushing back a little on this point of view on game theory and market design

December 9, 2023

decoding MS talks - sippig wisdom with prof. He

the 1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3 principle

December 8, 2023

WINE recap and paper reading list

Don’t read the last page

December 7, 2023

looking forward to the Keynote tmrw!

WINE day 3. Interesting talks continued. This conference is amazing that nice people with amazing works are literally everywhere. And I’m glad to be among them as one of the motivated passionate newbies. At lunch, I found a gentleman and me stuck before the coffee machine, trying to find a paper cup so as to sneak some extra coffee from the canteen. Me, as a shameless young people free to act indecent, just stretched and grabbed some paper cups from the back of the coffee counter and shared it with the gentleman - we happily got coffee and was ready to leave....

December 6, 2023

interesting pov - on the taxi

While taking the taxi from the Bund back to the hotel, Vignesh and I talked about the complexity of talks - of TCS and management science. Here’s the conversation. Me: So it was like, for management science, delivery of the talk really matters. For the TCS community it doesn’t seem to matter that much. At least well, to a lesser extent. Vignesh: Yeah it’s true. But usually I’d like to view it from another perspective....

December 5, 2023

at the Yacht reception

The WINE conference started today, after a day’s tutorial we had a reception - on a yacht on Pudong river, around the Bund. It is by far the fanciest academic event I’ve ever attended. Salute to the organization comittee! Here’s a really impressive occasion I’ve witnessed tonight. Herve Moulin is scheduled on giving the opening keynote talk tmrw morning, and he was on the yacht tonight as well. He was alone for sometime so I went for some casual chatting with this charmingly witted scholar....

December 4, 2023