This is a trailor of SHERLOCK - my machine learning final project. I’ve really been obsessively perfecting my final course thesis (as we’ve talked about it before here). Though immensely energy and time consuming, they’re just for fun but I’m proud of them for their beauty. and the result is pretty nice as well. Abstract We introduce SHERLOCK, an innovative machine learning model designed to differentiate human-written code from AI-generated code in educational settings....

January 13, 2024

in case you haven't noticed

It’d be cool to use the opening lyrics of Ariana Grande’s 7th album lead single yes, and to be a title. And, in case you haven’t noticed, the music video is out today and it’s next level. You’ll just love it. And there’s a really cool rap cover version. Well, similar people attracts and us Arianators are as gifted and brilliant as usual. ‘i read it on the internet so it much be true’, ‘her ponytails looks better when it was a few cms higher’, ‘i mean who cares if she’s happy....

January 12, 2024

obsession resolved

On the day trip to HangZhou, spending a day of void in the mountains, it’s like mindfulness refilled. Drop the obsession, problems would be gone.

January 11, 2024

'finally' over

Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.

January 10, 2024

complexity issues bring a fresh TCS talk to begin 2024

As a rookie, I dare not factorize and comment on such high level work. But basically…

January 9, 2024

mines is mine

Blackpink really do have nice resources. Their live version’s backup vocal though, is a little bit too loud.

January 8, 2024

yes, and?

2024 is going to be cute in various perspectives: new music! finally.

January 7, 2024

obsessively overkilling

Trailer of SHERLOCK.

January 6, 2024

dynamic persuasion and strategic search

It’s always a refreshing activity to start the morning with a MS paper - even better, a freshly published one right in Nov. 2023. Dynamic Persuasion and Strategic Search Yunfei (Jesse) Yao, Management Science 22 Nov 2023 ABSTRACT Consumers frequently search for information before making decisions. Because their search and purchase decisions depend on the information environment, firms have a strong incentive to influence it. This paper endogenizes the consumer’s information environment from the firm’s perspective and endogenizes the search decision from the consumer’s perspective....

January 5, 2024

a study in suspense and surprise - part II

Finished reading the paper Suspense And Surprise finally. Honestly, the paper itself is already a masterclass of organizing contents so as to achieve high informational utility. Following what we left yesterday, here’s the rest, and some closing thoughts before the end. Illustrations of Suspense-Opt. Info Policies In the simplest setting where there are only two states $\Omega = {A, B}$ (i.e. whether AGT or FRA would win in the world cup final), suspense maximizing belief martingale give rise to the followig dynamics....

January 4, 2024