Economist music story III | mastering her own disaster

The Tug-of-War Over Master Recordings - Taylor Swift’s battle over her early music illuminates the complex dynamics of the music industry Taylor Swift’s recent outcry over the control of her early masters highlights a lesser-known, yet crucial aspect of the music business: the power dynamics between artists and record labels. In the history of the music business, many artists have not had control over their own careers. What has recently made the topic into major news is that Taylor Swift has discussed her torrid experience in the industry....

April 28, 2024

Economist music story II | the eternal jingle of Mariah's Christmas

How streaming killed the Christmas charts - Mariah Carey’s seasonal ubiquity illustrates the new economics of music: Mariah Carey’s All I Want for Christmas is You is often quipped to be her pension fund—and rightly so: In 2017 Mariah Carey crept in at number nine with her massive 23-year-old hit, “All I Want for Christmas is You”. Since then the oldies have shuffled relentlessly forward (see chart). Last Christmas half of America’s top ten songs were more than half a century old....

April 27, 2024

Economist music story I | Taylor's swift descent from artistic peaks

Has Taylor Swift peaked? - The musician is at the height of her commercial, but not her creative, power Taylor Swift’s immense popularity has brought her as much scrutiny as acclaim. The recent release of her album The Tortured Poets Department left many feeling underwhelmed. She reigns in commercial success, but creatively? Taylor swift has a strong claim to being the most popular entertainer of the 21st century—and perhaps of all time....

April 26, 2024

beyond selfies and hashtags–Little Red Book on the rise

In the simplified Chinese internet community that consisted of social platforms and general E-commerce platforms, Little Red Book (Xiao Hong Shu) stands out as the Chinese Instagram. The app, which is based on the popular book of the same name, focuses on user-generated content, mostly in the area of fashion, beauty, and lifestyle. Little Red Book app’s target demographic is mostly urban women aged 18 to 35 years old. The app started as a product review platform, where users were looking for luxury fashion and beauty products from overseas as well share their latest shopping tips with others on board....

April 25, 2024

Bandits - background

Consider a decision problem where you have a collection of $\mathcal L$ papers to read before your next week’s meeting with your advisor. For each paper $l \in \mathcal L$, you can estimate its relevance and quality, represented as a potential intellectual reward $r_i$, modeled by a probability distribution $F_i(\cdot)$. $r_i$’s value is only learnt and acquired after you thoroughly read through the paper. Additionally, each paper comes with an uncertain reading time $t_i$, modeled by another distribution $G_i(\cdot)$....

April 24, 2024

Everything you need to know about Impressionism: how a group of rebel artists 'freed painting'

Christie’s latest story Everything you need to know about Impressionism: how a group of rebel artists ‘freed painting’ offered a thorough, concise and informative introduction of the origin of impressionism. Coincidentally, in celebration of the 150th anniversary of Impressionism, the upcoming 20th Century Evening Sale (16, May 2024) features the presentation of Monet’s seminal painting, Moulin de Limetz, from The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art and the Heirs of Ethel B. Atha, accompanied by a few other exquisite examples by the artists who paved the way for the birth of 20th Century Art....

April 23, 2024

the critics arrive

Three days following Taylor Swift’s release of her 31-track new album The Tortured Poets Department / The Anthology, Pitchfork released their reviews that rated 6.6 / 6 for the first and second half of the album, respectively. I believe writing the Pitchfork review of a Taylor Swift album should earn you the medal of freedom for your courage. –– Louie @DJLouieXIV, X Swifties quickly flooded the comment section under Pitchfork’s twitter post–speaking any slightest negativity unanonymously against the most passionate and gigantic fan base on earth requires extra courage and care....

April 22, 2024

YaXiang Yuan in town

Professor YaXiang Yuan recently graced SUFE with a compelling talk on Big Data & Optimization, masterfully engaging a diverse audience—from MBA students and enthusiastic undergrads to school leaders. He skillfully navigated the complexities of optimization theory, balancing depth with accessibility, transforming a regular Saturday into an enlightening experience. He began by highlighting key disciplines essential for shaping students into effective professionals: Statistics Computation Optimization Approximation Theory Discrete Mathematics Combinatorial Graph Theory Differential Equations Computational Geometry and more Using real-life examples, Yuan showcased how cutting-edge optimization theories enhance the modeling and solving of complex problems....

April 21, 2024

information design in OM

My advisor was somehow less enthusiastic in information design as compared to other general algorithm game theory topics–despite my several failed attempts to lure him into doing some related projects. But his major concern is solid, that information design demands overly strong assumptions–the existence of a common prior, commitment of the signal sender, inference ability of the signal receiver–all poses challenges for direct applications that justify the existing theory. The real world should be something in between the perfectly rational Bayesian persuasion and the noisy cheap talks....

April 20, 2024

mind games - how two psychologists rewrote the rules on human thought

The first time I encountered the name “Daniel Kahneman” was in a behavioral economics class, where we were introduced to his seminal 1979 Econometrica paper on “prospect theory.” Initially, I pigeonholed him as an economist—a label he might not dispute, given his significant contributions to the interdisciplinary field of experimental economics, which bridges psychology and economics and has been instrumental in the development of behavioral economics. However, Daniel Kahneman is perhaps more a psychologist than an economist....

April 19, 2024